A while back I joined a local yahoo Freecycle group and I've been posting household items on it. Yesterday I decided to post bedding plants which are offshoots of my own perennials. Then I decided to post my trees.
Today, a woman took one of my oldest trees, a hackberry. It has survived so many summers and was such a pretty tree; I had trimmed it to look like trees in Japanese paintings. She also took a black locust which was about as old.
I'll miss them but now they will be able to grow freely.
This is a shot of my tree nursey right before she picked them up. The hackberry is at the left; the locust is sort of lost in the other trees at the right. Other trees include more hackberries, oaks, maples, river birches, elms, honey locusts and a black walnut. All courtesy of birds and squirrels.
This was a farewell party, I guess.
I will grow vegetables in the space they and the others occupied.